Great question! Knowing that somewhere in your Family Tree, an unidentified ancestor was Italian is a good start but definitely not enough. Italian dual citizenship is based on the principle of “jure sanguinis," i.e. right of blood; this means that individuals who have an Italian ancestor may be eligible for Italian citizenship, depending on several factors, such as the date and place of birth of his or her parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. Remember there is no limit to the number of generations one can go back to apply. But here is the catch: 


No doubt that this sudden global health crisis has forced us to put a few projects aside. However, with more restrictions on our daily activities, we may have more time available. For those of you who are thinking or are in the process of applying for Italian Dual Citizenship, this could be a good time to get started. In order to assist you, we are providing the answers to a few of the most common questions:


On March 19, Italy commemorates a joyful holiday dedicated to St. Joseph, San Giuseppe, patron saint of family life, hand-labor, and carpenters. It is in Italy that St. Joseph's day is also known as Father's Day. This Saint is one of the least nominated by the Christian orthodoxy: compared to Saint Francis', Saint Joseph's life is certainly less known. Still Saint Joseph symbolizes the father, a figure that means so much in our life.


Our ITALIAN DUAL CITIZENSHIP SERVICES (both FULL SERVICE PROGRAM & A LA CARTE PROGRAM) were never affected by the slowdown caused by COVID-19 (as many of you have been able to experience first hand). Here is why: 


If you like all things Italian, our company is the place to be! My Italian Family is the premier provider of Italian Dual Citizenship Services and Italian Genealogy in the US. Our team of over 30 professionals world-wide is expanding. We are looking to add another qualified person to our team of seven people working remotely. This is a new position for a Paralegal to assist customers who are applying for Italian Citizenship.

Job Description: