Instructions: How to book your Appointment with the Italian Consulate
If you qualify for Italian Citizenship by right of blood and you reside here in the U.S., you will have to apply at one of the ten (10) Italian Consulates. Remember: you can only apply at the Italian Consulate that has jurisdiction over the state where you permanently reside.
Considering that putting together your document portfolio to present to the Italian Consulate takes time and appointments for Italian citizenship by descent are usually a few years out, it is advisable to book your appointment as soon as possible. Since June 2021, nine (9) Italian Consulates have migrated to a new online booking system called Prenot@Mi. Starting August 15th, 2022 also the Italian Consulate in Chicago will move to Prenot@Mi.
We are going to guide you through the process of booking an appointment by following a few easy steps.
Open your browser and type in Make sure the page is set for English "EN" (the default language is Italian), then click "Register your Account":

The next page is a "Registration Form" where you will enter your personal data, account, contacts and will select your Italian Consulate. Note that the list of Italian Consulates is in Italian so you will need to select your Consulate under "Stati Uniti d'America - Location and Consulate name." Once selected, don't forget to consent to their privacy policy and click on "Registration."

A security code (OTP) will be sent to the email address you provided in the registration form and a pop up window will ask you to enter the code:

Check your inbox and find an email sent from "Esteri Noreply - prenotami;" open it and in the body of the email you will find the code.

Enter the OTP Code and your Registration will be successful.

You are almost done but not quite.... Go back to your inbox and find another email also sent from "Esteri Noreply - prenotami" called "Conferma Email." In the body of the email you will need to click on the blue underlined link to continue:

and... you are DONE!
NOTE: If you happen to move to another state here in the U.S. that is under the jurisdiction of another Italian Consulate, here are the instructions on how to switch Consulates in Prenot@Mi.

Now let's get to business! Go back to your browser and type in Again make sure the page is set for English "EN" (the default language is Italian). Login with your email and password and click on "Book":

Look for "Citizenship by descent" and select "Book":

In the next page, you will keep "Individual Booking" selected, write United States in the Applicant's Data, check that you have read the Privacy Policy and click "Forward":

If there are no appointments available, a window will pop up stating that there are no appointments available (in Italian):

If there are appointments available, a calendar page will show up:

To find an appointment, click ">" next to the date to move the month and year forward (usually two years out) until available appointments in green show up. The date you select will become blue and one or more time slots will show to the right of the calendar. Select "Prenota" to continue:

NOTE: there are several Italian Consulates that will send you an OTC code to your email address in order to secure the time slot you have selected. Make sure you can get to your email quickly to get the code.
Others will simply provide you with the booking confirmation:

If you are an Italian Citizenship applicant and you are about to move to a different State which happens to be under the jurisdiction of a different Italian Consulate, here are some helpful tips on what to do with your Prenot@Mi account.
Now that you have successfully secured your appointment, you will need to start working on collecting all the required documents to present to the Italian Consulate the day of your appointment.
At My Italian Family, we can assist you from Start-to-Finish, first by determining if you fulfill all the qualification requirements, and then putting together your entire document portfolio, acquiring all the necessary Italian and U.S. records, performing all the required amendments and completing your application with apostilles and translations to Italian. Learn about our Full Assistance Service here.
Questions? Book your Free Consultation to learn more about the Italian Citizenship process
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